Thursday, March 09, 2006

Empty and Meaningless?

If life is empty and meaningless, and I am an organic machine created by God, and I am also free to create the life I want; then I put it to you that the bible is my way of knowing what my creator desires for me.

God does not impose himself in ANY way. He does say that I was created to bring glory to Him . Consider when I make a kick butt roast leg of lamb (and I do <grin>), it brings me (the creator/maker) glory. "Wow Dan, that was delicious, you can really cook."

God has had this "meaning" for me since before creation. But just being born and simply existing doesn't create meaning. Meaning exists for me, only when I create it for myself, OR, when I accept the meaning God has created for me. He reveals this to me in the bible.
(My way, His way)

How cool is it, that an infinite God made us? Made us a blank slate that we are free to create whatever we want on it, unhindered by His control or imposition. Further; knowing full well we would mess up in our lives, makes a way so that NO ONE ( including Himself) could ever "make us wrong".

How sad is it that man, fearing this extraordinary freedom, takes a gift from God and wields it like a weapon. Morality. Man has abused morality forever and now going full circle, vilifies morality. Morality was a gift from God to show us when we when we were going astray. He did not create it because he wants to condemn us, He created it because He loves us. It is to remind us to go back to the beginning, to our loving Father (Him) and start again, anew.

To that end, He takes on the form of man, comes to our level, bringing a simple message. Within that message is love, acceptance, and hope. " Love Me (God), love each other. Oh, and if you f ollow Me, I'll show you the way."

To see how much people of that day loved and appreciated that simple message of hope, watch "The Passion of the Christ".

How sad is it that man turns a gift into a weapon. Then blames God?!?! As we as a society push 'right and wrong' out of our lives, we also push our Father out as well. This same Father that knows every 'right and wrong' thing you will EVER do, and still makes the choice to give HIMSELF up. This so in the end, all He will see is His dearly loved children, not their deeds good or bad.

God did the ultimate "clean up" which leads to, the ultimate "workability" in life. Many of us have created this "story" of how God hates us, wants to control us, condemn us, wants us to have dull lives etc. Even though He came to free us up to live life full out.

Why do we continue to feed these "stories"? We blame crusades, wars, evil, on God. His response to being blamed is to come to our level and make a way for us to be free. Truly free!

Why would an infinite creator being poorly represented, and BLAMED for OUR irresponsibility, give up HIMSELF and take the abuse He did? Because He is our loving Father and had it planned right from the beginning!

If you are a parent, when you tell your child to NOT put their hand on the stove, but they still do and get burned, do you condemn them? Why did you impose your "morality" on them? "thou shalt not put thy hand on the stove". Morality is a functional/workable gift from God.

When YOU put your hand on the stove and get burned, He wants to rush to you and tend to you. Afterward He will re-iterate, "thou shalt not put thy hand on the stove", then send you on your way again whole and complete. I imagine God never endingly saying "try again Danny, I know you can do it."

Please consider, if you reject morality and God, thinking them to be irrelevant, please consider you may be living in the confines of a "story". A "story" birthed by some event/s in the past. You saw something you believed to be evidence against God and morality. You then proceeded to make your thoughts "absolute truth" for yourself.

God loves and accepts you where you are RIGHT NOW! He knows every 'right and wrong' thing you will ever do, and yet to show you how serious He is about loving and accepting you, He gave Himself.

There are no "things" you must do for this acceptance. In fact He came to earth as a man to make sure YOUR "salvation" would NEVER have anything to do with what YOU do, but rather what HE did. Thus freeing you to create a life for yourself free from guilt and condemnation. Free from the weaponized morality of MEN!

Please consider your loving Father has always known you better than YOU ever will . That is WHY He came and gave Himself. There is nothing you have done, or thought, that He isn't aware of. It is for those things you punish yourself and condemn yourself for that He came. He wants you to be FREE. TRULY FREE. Eternally Free.

He is offering you a free gift RIGHT NOW in this e-mail. It is your choice whether to receive a gift or not. It is your choice to act, or not.

Parents, what happens when you force your love on your children? They push away. God will not force Himself on you, but it will take something of you.

It will take you considering that you may be living in the confines of a "story", and that "story" is taking you off the court of, 'having a living relationship with a living God, RIGHT NOW'. Please let us reason together.

I love you with the love He first gave me!

The WebGodFather

ps: The verses I have linked to above and listed below, are just SCRATCHING THE SURFACE. I couldn't possibly include all the verses that refer to what I share with you in this post. The bibles message is simple! I LOVE YOU! I give you this "post" as a place to begin.

It would be my greatest pleasure and honour to discuss with you this post, even if you are not in agreement.

VERSES to examine:

Evidence to support man's "stories" of God may not actually be REAL:;&version=51 ;;&version=51;;&version=49 ;;&version=51;


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting insights you have shared with us. But where is the importance of forgiveness in all this? Without it it, could we start from the begining again? Or just be left with the moral and continue down our path. Isn't it just as important to genuinely forgive a transgression as it is to love the person who commited it? Without both, wouldn't the "clean slate" be unattainable?
Good work, as always you provoke thought with your blog. That alone is a gift I appreciate. Thank you.

Yours truly,
Looking for a good idea.

11:59 p.m.  

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