Friday, February 17, 2006

Opening Welcome

Greetings to you who have found this site.

I will in the upcoming days, attempt to make the case that Jesus is in fact, NOT a religion. Nor did he think to highly of religion either. (or least "religious people")

The very concept of being a religious person contradicts the reason Jesus came and gave himself so freely for us.

Please feel free to disagree, agree. The purpose of this site is not to condemn people, it is to celebrate the truth of who the Christ was. In doing that, a person might consider, that someone having a different view than yourself, is an opportunity to see God in all His glory. He gave us free will. For that I am so glad.

I look forward to this conversation that we will have. I only ask that you respect one rule, a conversation is two way; so to smother another persons view or belief is to do what people have accused Christians of doing for centuries.

It will be clear what I believe, but I pray that it will be equally clear that I have respect for all, even when I completely disagree with them. Disagreeing is an act of free will and completely acceptable, invalidating someone or their view is not. There is a difference.

Come let us reason together.

Love from;



Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankfully we have a "Loving" God . despite all our problems and shortcomings it is His desire that we should come to Him in total acceptance of the free gift of Eternal Life.

7:10 p.m.  

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